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Please refer to the guidance notes below when selecting which RFI form to complete and submit your specific design PS1 request:

Vertical Glazing:

Interior or exterior vertical glass (doors and windows), up to 15° from vertical.

Please note: vertical glazing in accordance with NZS4223 does not require a PS1 document. Where glass is specified to NZS 4223, a glass design statement will be issued as a path way to compliance because:

  • Glass to NZS4223 is cited as part of acceptable solution B1/AS1 (section 7.0 Glazing).
  • Section 19 of the New Zealand Building Act states that all BCA’s must accept a design based on an acceptable solution.

If a PS1 is still required for the glass elements specified from NZS4223, Metro can issue a PS1 but please note the following:

  • Producer statements may incur additional engineering design fees.
  • Producer statements have no statutory status under the Building Act 2004.
  • As they have no statutory or formal status, accepting producer statements is discretionary for BCAs.
  • The time taken to provide a PS1 is longer than providing a design statement.
  • A PS1 statement requires the minimum inspection level to be recorded – this is likely to increase project compliance costs, as NZS4223 does not require this minimum inspection level.

Link to Specific Design Vertical Glazing request form.


Sloped Glazing:

Interior or exterior sloped glass greater than 15° from vertical.

Sloped glass includes:

  • Skylight/roof light panels.
  • Spider mounted canopies.
  • 2, 3 & 4 edge supported canopies.
  • Tie-rod canopies.

Link to Specific Design Sloped Glazing request form.


Specific design balustrade:

Balustrades on buildings greater than 10m tall.

Balustrades on buildings less than 10m tall but not designed to NZS3604 or NZS4229.

Balustrades & pool fences on buildings requiring specific engineering design wind pressures.

Balustrades & pool fences with fixing details that do not match those shown in our online balustrade catalogue.

Balustrades & pool fences where the desired options are not available in the online generic PS1 request system.

Link to Specific Design Balustrade request form.


Specific design glass floor:

Horizontal glass panels not forming part of the weathertight boundary of the building/structure.

Typically internal applications, designed to be walked on. Can be internal non-trafficable areas, or exterior decks as well.

NOTE: roof panels (forming the weathertight boundary) are not regarded as glass floors, even if they are horizontal – please use the sloped glazing RFI.

Link to Specific Design Glass Floor request form.


If you are unsure which request form to complete, or have any questions at any stage of the request process please contact Metro Performance Glass Technical Department:


Please note that Metro Performance Glass has implemented a policy of only providing specific design producer statement documents against architectural and/or building construction drawings specifying Metro Performance Glass glazing systems.

Aimed at achieving compliant construction and risk mitigation for relevant stakeholders on a site-specific basis, additional benefits foreseen include:

  • Reduced time required to mark-up PS1 drawings supplied with alternative details shown.
  • Clean drawing set submitted to council for consent processing.
  • Consistent detailing across drawings and thereby reduced potential for mistakes and re-work / re-design).

This policy will be implemented, starting with Metro Performance Glass systems which already have CAD & PDF details readily available (typically downloaded from our website) and being expanded as further system details are made available.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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